Wednesday, April 21, 2021

History Of Track & Field

     The sport of track and field can be traced from past eras in history. With little knowledge of the origin, it has been rumored that the Egyptian and Asian civilians participated in the sport. Perhaps as early as 1829 B.C. Although there's little knowledge about the sport, there has been much development over the years. 

    Track and field developed into a modern sport during the 19th century. Early developments can be traced from England. During the time, organized competitions were held anually. In 1866, the first English championship was introduced as the Amateur Athletic Club

    With the popularity of track and field growing, the sport didn't gain much momentum until the 1896 Olympic Games. During the games, track and field became an official international sport. With track and field becoming an official Olympic sport, the popularity began to increase quickly. By the 1950s, athletes from different cultures all participated in international meets.

    As track and field continued to grow, popular athletes began to ascend. Some of the most popular athletes to participate in the sport are: Jesse Owens, Carl Lewis, Mo Farah, Michael Johnson, Usain Bolt, and several more. Today, track and field is a highly anticipated sport in the Olympic Games. Fans today celebrates the sport from all across the world.

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