Wednesday, April 28, 2021


    A popular area in track and field is the long-distance events. These events includes anything between 3,000 meters to 30,000 meters; in some cases marathons (26 mile, 385 yards). Unlike sprinting events, long-distance races are about pacing. Instead of a burst of speed, it is important to find a suitable pace for the races. 

    In most long-distance events, stamina is key. Developing a good pace and strategic plan will help increase stamina throughout the race. In distance events, being fast doesn't equivalent to being the best. It is about pacing and endurance. The runners with the best gameplan usually are most successful in these events.

In order to be successful in such events, it is important to take care of the body. Drinking much fluid and eating well is extremely important for long-distance runners. Off-the-track discipline is important as on-the-track discipline.

Notable Long-Distance Runners:

Kenenisa Bekele, Eliud Kipchoge, Paavo Nurmi, Geoffrey Kamworor

Wednesday, April 21, 2021


   Sprint in track and field is a short footrace, while using maximum speed. The race consist of a short burst of speed, giving an all-out effort against competitors. Events involving sprints are: 100m, 200m, and 400 meters. Over the past years, these events has become a fan-favorite during competitions.

    During a sprint race, all competitors must start in a separate lane. On most courses, there are eight different lanes. Runners begin in a downward position, using a starting block. A starting block is a platform used to brace the runners' feet. As the runners prepare for the race, the official
gives a three-step command. 
These three commands are critical in sprinting events. If any runner fails to meet the criteria of these commands, it is likely to result in a disqualification. Removing the runner from the event. 

"Runners on your mark" - Runners must be in a correct position in their appropriate lane.

 "Get set" - Runners should be prepared to push off their blocks in a set position.

*Shoots Gun* -  Runners can now begin the competition.


Notable 100 meter competitors: Usain Bolt, Tyson Gay, Yohan Blake

Notable 200 meter competitors: Michael Johnson, Justin Gatlin, Noah Lyles

Notable 400 meter competitors: Wayde Van Niekerk, Butch Reynolds, Jeremy Wariner

History Of Track & Field

     The sport of track and field can be traced from past eras in history. With little knowledge of the origin, it has been rumored that the Egyptian and Asian civilians participated in the sport. Perhaps as early as 1829 B.C. Although there's little knowledge about the sport, there has been much development over the years. 

    Track and field developed into a modern sport during the 19th century. Early developments can be traced from England. During the time, organized competitions were held anually. In 1866, the first English championship was introduced as the Amateur Athletic Club

    With the popularity of track and field growing, the sport didn't gain much momentum until the 1896 Olympic Games. During the games, track and field became an official international sport. With track and field becoming an official Olympic sport, the popularity began to increase quickly. By the 1950s, athletes from different cultures all participated in international meets.

    As track and field continued to grow, popular athletes began to ascend. Some of the most popular athletes to participate in the sport are: Jesse Owens, Carl Lewis, Mo Farah, Michael Johnson, Usain Bolt, and several more. Today, track and field is a highly anticipated sport in the Olympic Games. Fans today celebrates the sport from all across the world.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


 As a track and field runner, I've grasp much knowledge about the various events within the sport. Here, I will be discussing the most popular track and field events. I will be explaining each event in full detail, as well as describing the step-by-step process for the event. From sprints, long-distance, and field - I will cover the general events in track and field.
  From middle school to college, I've participated in track and field. Throughout the years, I've specialized in most sprinting events. Participating in the 100 meter, 200 meter, and sprinting relays. As I went through my journey, I began to learn more about the sport. From experience, I've grasp a clear understanding of the multiple events within the sport. Based on my knowledge, I will be explaining the popular events in detail.


     Some athletes compete in both fielding and sprinting events. At the 1912 Olympic Games, an event was introduced to allow athletes to di...